When the great American tenor player Joshua Redman for the very first time recorded Norwegian music with norwegian musicians , it took place in a hot and creative interaction with the well renounced Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. The project has it's roots from Redman's guest apperance on Hegdal's comissioned piece "Space is still the place" for Molde International Jazz Festival 2006. This collaboration was so successful, that the group reformed, toured and recorded the piece in 2008. In 2011 and 2013 the ensemble toured Europe with great success.
"A masterpiece" (6 of 6 stars) - Tor Hammerø, Side 3
"Triads and more is simply great music" (6 of 6 stars) - Terje Mosnes, Dagbladet
"The stunning Eroiki features some of Redman's most beautiful tenor playing to date" (4 of 5 stars) - Yoshi Kato, Downbeat
"Triads and More is a vivid, stylistically unbound hour of music by one of Norway's bright compositional lights and performers, and a far-reaching orchestra, clearly capable of handling anything and everything that's put in front of it." - John Kelman, All About Jazz
"Ein perfekt eingestimmtes Jazzensemble, dessen Witz und Spielfreude begeisterten." - Kreis Zeitung
Joshua Redman - tenor and soprano saxophone
Artistic director
Eirik Hegdal - saxophones, composer
Trondheim Jazz Orchestra
Trine Knutsen - flutes
Stig Førde Aarskog - clarinets
Eivind Lønning - trumpet
Daniel Weiseth Kjellesvik - french horn
Øyvind Brække - trombone
Ola Kvernberg - violin
Marianne Baudouin Lie - cello
Øyvind F. Engen - cello
Nils Olav Johansen - guitar
Ole Morten Vågan - double bass
Tor Haugerud - drums
Tor Breivik - sound design
Previous concerts:
March 29th - Teatreo Lope de Vega, Sevilla, Spain
March 31st - Jazzclub Unterfahrt, München, Germany
April 1st - Centro Cultural, Burgos, Spain
November 15th - Guimaraes Jazz Festival, Portugal
November 14th - Palau de la Musica, Barcelona Jazz Festival, Spain
March 6th - Jazzfabrik, Rüsselsheim, Germany
March 5th - Jazzklub Unterfahrt, Munich, Germany
March 4th - Treibhaus, Innsbruck, Austria
March 3rd - Moods, Zurich, Switzerland
March 2nd - Teater Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany
March 1st - Jazzit, Salzburg, Austria
February 28th - Opderschmelz, Dudelange, Luxembourg
February 27th - Institut Français, Berlin, Germany
February 26th - Dokkhuset, Trondheim, Norway
March 20th - Untherfahrt, München, Germany
March 19th - Porgy & Bess, Wien, Austria
March 17th - Sendesaal, Bremen, Germany
March 16th - Stadtgarten, Köln, Germany
March 15th - Victoria, Oslo, Norway
November 29th - Gamla Teatern, Østersund, Sweden
November 28th - Bodø Kulturhus, Bodø, Norway
November 22nd - Folken, Stavanger, Norway
November 21st - Sardinen, Bergen, Norway
November 20th - Victoria, Oslo, Norway
November 19th - Dokkhuset, Trondheim, Norway
July 17th - Bjørnsonhuset, Molde, Norway